Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring Holy Days

A lot has happened over the past few weeks!  We had so many visitors come and spend the Holy Days with us.  It was such a treat.

The first visitor to join us before the Spring Holy Days was Taj.  Taj is an adorable and energetic puppy that I have been able to look after until he goes to his adoptive family.  Fortunately the weather is beautiful right now which has made our daily walks very pleasant! 

Lewis, Lena, Laurel, Jason, and Jen flew in and took some time to do some touring in the area.  Mr. Sandilands flew in on the Wednesday before Passover and the following day Eva was baptized!  What a great way to start the Festival season!  The four of us plus Mr. Sandilands all went to Bethany Beyond the Jordan where Eva was baptized in the (freezing) Jordan River.  We had a memorable Passover service that evening that also included the Hoyers who joined us for the weekend. 

Everyone pitched in and worked hard to make sure that we had an amazing Night to Be Much Observed.  We began the day doing a little relaxing at the Dead Sea, and then came back home to finish prepping for the dinner.  Everything was delicious, but the most unique dish of the evening was Jason’s vegetable masterpiece! 

The First Day of Unleavened Bread was filled with great messages and fellowship.  I think the four of us got used to having such a “big” crowd (15 people plus one dog).  We said our goodbyes on Sunday to most of the group.  Stella, Jen, and I went with Mr. Sandilands to the airport on Monday for one last get together at Starbucks before Mr. Sandilands headed back home and the three of us went to Egypt.  We had such an amazing time touring in Cairo and Luxor. 

Spending the days in Egypt and then coming out of Egypt to be back home for the Last Day of Unleavened Bread made the week extra memorable and meaningful. 

We are now heading in to the final stretch of the school year. We only have ten weeks left. It is amazing how quickly the year is going by. We will keep everyone updated on our final weeks here in Jordan!

Until next time,
