Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Ending of an Era

There are many stages, chapters, acts, or eras in our lives. As one door closes, windows of opportunity open and the chance for another adventure awaits. The curtain is closing on this act in my life and I will soon find myself back in the States! Before my departure from Jordan there are many more scenes that must come to a close.

As the final Holy Day in the spring season approaches, we, the volunteers, are preparing to spend some time in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. We will stay in Jerusalem for one day and then join the Hoyer family in Tel Aviv for the Sabbath and Pentecost. This will be a welcome long weekend to help us all push through the last few weeks here and end on a high note.

There has been quite a lot going on recently and I’ve been staying busy. The Baccalaureate School, ABS, is celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year, and a week-long celebration was held at the end of April. The week began with an alumni forum, followed by a “football” aka soccer match, then an art exhibition, and ending with a gala dinner. All four of us were invited to the dinner and Jessica and I greeted HRH Prince Hassan and Princess Sarvath. The evening was very memorable and it was a nice honor to greet the Prince and Princess.

The Director of the Festival of Performaing Arts in the middle
with those of us that helped!  

I also had the opportunity to help the performing arts department with another event, the Festival of Performing Arts. This event included the talent of almost 40 students performing comedy sketches from Monty Python, to various dance routines, and poetry about current events in the Middle East. There were many other students involved in other aspects of the evening from technical crew, to backstage, make up and ushers. The talent of the students is amazing and they received a standing ovation at the end of the show.

With the year coming to a close I’m once again hard at work on the Yearbook. There is so much that goes into making it a success, but it’s a very enjoyable project. The end result will be amazing again this year, and hopefully a step above last years, there’s always room for improvement! I’ve also been working on the CAS program for the grade 11 and 12 students. Ensuring they are aware of the requirements, helping the students meet them, and preparing grade 10 students for next year. Before heading back home I’ll be traveling to Tanzania with a group of grade 11 students, for their final expedition. I’m really excited for this opportunity and look forward to all the adventures I’ll have while there.
As a student in grade school at the end of every art lesson the teacher would say “all good things must come to an end”. Even though my time in Jordan will be coming to an end, so many windows have opened. Many people have asked me what I’ll be doing when I go back home; that I’m not sure of yet. However, what I do know is I get to share this opportunity with others and continue serving where needed. I feel that’s what my time in Jordan has been about and by doing so I will always keep this wonderful experience in my heart!

                                        ~ Until Next Time

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