Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saying Goodbye

It is hard to believe that I will be home in less than a week. The year has gone by so quickly and has been so memorable. We have all been keeping busy during our last month here in Jordan, but now it is time to start saying goodbye.  

The four of us had the opportunity to visit Israel over Pentecost weekend. We spent a day touring around the Old City and enjoyed a relaxing Saturday morning on the Mount of Olives. We were then able to spend the rest of the Sabbath and Pentecost with the Hoyers in Tel Aviv. Saturday evening we watched the sunset over the Mediterranean in Caesarea. It was such a beautiful way to end the Sabbath and begin the Holy Day!

Life in the KG has been very busy with the KG1 Assemblies. Each KG1 class learned an English dance, song, and play as well as an Arabic dance, song, and play to perform for their parents. The students worked so hard to do their very best. They did an amazing job! One of my favorite parts was when the little girls dressed up in poodle skirts and the boys slicked their hair back and wore jeans and a white t-shirt and danced to Let's Twist Again by Chubby Checker!  The last day of school for the students was on Thursday.  I will miss them!   

Now that our time in Jordan is almost up, we are doing our final trips around Jordan. Stella and I spent Thursday night in Wadi Rum and a day in Petra while Joshua and Eva spent the day in Ajloun and Jerash, followed next week by some time in Aqaba. Stella and I will end our year at ABS on Monday with a whole school luncheon. Then Stella heads off to Tanzania, while Joshua, Eva, and I head back to the States, and Taj (my puppy) flies to his new home in Canada. While it is hard to say goodbye, we are all excited to see our families again, and to try out all of the Arabic dishes we have learned this year!

It has truly been an unforgettable year. We hope the new volunteers have as wonderful a year as we all did! Have a great summer!

Until next time,


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